
Europäischer Gerichtshof (EuGH) und Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR)

CASE OF HANAN v. GERMANY - (Application no. 4871/16)

Art 1 • Jurisdictional link engaging the obligation to investigate civilian deaths due to airstrike ordered during active hostilities in extraterritorial armed conflict • Existence of “special features” establishing link: exclusive jurisdiction of Germany over its troops with respect to serious crimes and obligation to investigate under international humanitarian law (IHL) and domestic law • Afghan authorities prevented for legal reasons from instituting investigation

Art 2 (procedural) • Adequacy, promptness, reasonable expedition and independence of the investigation • Absence of substantive normative conflict between IHL and Art 2 • Facts established in a thorough and reliable manner in order to determine legality of use of lethal force • Participation of next-of-kin and public scrutiny • Existence of remedy to challenge effectiveness of investigation


16 February 2021

zum Volltext weiter: Application no. 4871/16


Erste Reaktionen:

a. PM des ECCHR vom 16.2.21:

b. Markus Sehl in LTO-newsletter vom 16.2.21 -



Hier sind eingestellt wichtige Entscheidungen des Europäischen Gerichtshofes


Urteil des EuGH vom 6.10.2015 - C-362/14 - zu "Safe Harbour"



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