Zur Vorbereitung der zweiten Phase der Verhandlungen über einen Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag in der Zeit vom 15.6. bis 7.7.2017 hat die Präsidentin der Konferenz, Elayne White, einen Entwurf des Vertrags vorgelegt
Just a few minutes ago at the United Nations in Geneva, the draft text for a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons was presented by the President of the negotiations, Ambassador Elayne Whyte of Costa Rica. The draft is based on the discussions and inputs made at the first session of the conference to negotiate such treaty held on 27-31 March 2017.
As expected the draft treaty outlines general obligations that would prohibited States parties to the treaty from developing, producing, acquiring, possessing, testing or using nuclear weapons.
The draft treaty also requires states parties to accept safeguards on nuclear energy facilities, with a view to preventing diversion of nuclear energy from peaceful uses to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.